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1 Corinthians 6:9-20   Reading
Flee sexual immorality
Topic Study: Man & Woman and God
Sometimes we think that God thinks sex is to be avoid.
1. God's plan for sex. (Genesis 1) Sex is God's idea - not the devil's. 1 Cor 7:3ff Regular sex is encouraged within the marriage - like glue. Symbolises the relationship between Christ and the Church.
2. Sex and rebellion - immorality is anything outside the one man and one women marriage. Immorality is condemned, eg 1 Cor 6:9,10. Sexual immorality is sin, but a sin, like other things - greed. Sexual sin has an impact - it is 'in' the body. It is an affront to our relationship with Christ.
3. Flee sexual immorality. Our culture is a 'sex' saturated culture. We are not to flee our culture but be in the world we are to avoid sexual immoral behaviour. (eg joking, clothing, flirtations, not 'even a hint'). We also need to avoid allowing a wrong relationship to grow. (also, pornography etc)
4. Pursue sexual purity (honour God with your bodies). Why does Paul use the word 'bodies' - behaviour is critical. (a) In the marriage relationship giving and receiving from each other joyfully. Prov 5:15ff - captivated with spouse. (b) 1 Tim 5:1,2 pursue healthy relationships with others which shows care for age and gender.
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