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Romans 13:1-14   Reading
Studies in the book of: Romans
Transformed living in the world
The context of being transformed. Romans shows we were unrighteous in our actions, and failed to follow God. But God now gives us the gift of righteousness. But God continues to work in us through the work of the Spirit. Romans 12:1,2. Change our thinking.
1. Respect authorities. (13:1,2) Is there any justification to to break the government's rule. There are Bible cases, like Daniel, who did ignored human rules. Obey governments, unless they mean sinning against God. Two reasons to submit to the Government (a) to avoid punishment (b) for conscious sake, eg I am honouring God.
2. We will love other people (v8). The law is summarised by the command to 'love' all people. Easy to say, but hard to put into practice.
3. Living for Jesus and the future (v11-14). Wake up from our slumber and material emphasis. Pay attention to our creator who knows what is best. Consider what we spend most of our time and money - are they the right priority?
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