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Acts 3:1-4:37   Reading
Studies in the book of: Acts
Opposition begins
What does God think when people refuse to consider Jesus?
1. Opposition. God through Peter heals a lame man, Peter again preaches (v12ff). The crowd had opposed Jesus (v15). The Jewish leader responded by trying to silence Peter (4:2,3). Peter again says to the Sanhedrin they crucified Jesus (4:10). The rulers let them do good things, but not talk about Jesus. (v18). Everyone since Adam and Eve disobeyed God, mankind does not take God seriously. The world accepts our social good works, but reject any speaking about Jesus.
2. God responds - He laughs v25,26 - quote from Psalm 2. Note Psa 2:4 - the one in heaven laughs and scoffs. Why, man's actions did not stop the work of Jesus - He is the capstone. (v27,28). But He doesn't laugh forever - it is a serious offence and one day God will judge us (3:23 - cut us off).
3. God sends witnesses. Jeremiah 36:3 - God sends His messages to call the people back. Here Peter says (3:19) repent, and (4:12) Salvations is only through Jesus. God is now waiting so people have an opportunity to respond.
4. What is our response? (a) Maybe to be silent about Jesus. (note 4:20) (b) Be smug or superior. (c) Pray that they will see things from God's perspective - God is sovereign. (4:29, 31) Ready to speak boldly. They prayed for boldness - disciples had same fears etc as us.
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