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Acts 6:1-7   Reading
Studies in the book of: Acts
The ministry of God's Word
What is the Church's core business? see 6:2 If we do this we can expect:
1. Growth. Not a magic formula - but a right expectation. We are all meant to grow and be transformed - and also as a Church. If we stay the same, there is something wrong. Our core business is teaching the Word.
2. Distractions. Things will always come up to distract us from the core business. (v1). The early church cared for each other. New problem, where one group was being overlooked and caused a problem - 'complaining' (v2). Related problem, to stop preaching and teaching to look after the widows - that would be disastrous. Many distractions are good things.
3. The whole church was involved in the solution. (3-5). The body of Christ where each person does their part. And the Word spread (v7) and the Church grew. Requires everyone to get involved. (Ephesians 4:16). Belonging to Church means we are involved.
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<< Acts 5:12-42, Life is a mixed blessingActs 6:8-8:1a, The Lord is with His people >>