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Acts 27:1-28:31   Reading
Studies in the book of: Acts
Remain true to the faith
The book of Acts is not a novel.
Acts 14:22 - Paul's aim - to strengthen the disciples.
1. Enter through hardship. Paul has been in prisoner since chapter 21. Chapter 27, 28 are mostly about his sea journey, which was nearly fatal. Difficult sailing time - they gave up hope (v20). But an angel appeared to Paul (v23). Paul was afraid - we often feel afraid. Why does God wait till now to tell him that all would be well? (2 Corinthians 1:8,9) - 'so we might rely on God'. We so often rely on other things, rather than God. God promises to sustain us. Our hardships are normal, because we are in the old order of a fallen world.
2. Need to remain true to the faith. - God had a specific task for Paul - (speak to the leaders and emperor). God does have a specific will for us - that we be 'holy and blameless'. Paul does not sit down and relax. Four things we can do:
(a) Believe (27:25) - I believe God. How do we pray in difficult times. We need to admit we need God and He is in control.
(b) Engages with the world, even if he is ignored. He does practical things. Contribute were we have opportunities.
(c) Encourage. In simple things (eg22-36). Paul is encouraged (28:15). We can then comfort because God has comforted us. Unfortunately, we often focus on our problems.
(d) We speak. The last thing we hear of Paul (v30-31) - proclaiming the message (for 2 years).

The book of Acts is all about the continuing acts of Jesus - and still continuing through people like us.
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