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1 Corinthians 8:1-23   Reading
Studies in the book of: 1 Corinthians
Knowledge immersed in love
Easy to get into an argument with a fellow Christian, usually over a secondary matter.
The pagan atmosphere of Corinth, and much of the meat was first sacrificed to idols. For the Christian, this raises a number of issues.
1. Understanding Christian knowledge and love (v1-3). Only when we understand Christian knowledge and love can we understand how to handle these conflict issues. Knowledge by itself puff us, but needs to be immersed in love. We often more concerned about being right.
2. Christian liberty based on knowledge. (v4) This is the logical and theological approach. He concludes it is fine to eat meat offered to idols. (v8). In handling a secondary first look at the what the Bible says, as Paul did here.
3. Christian restraint based on Christian love. Should we eat? Not all understand the theological argument, or bound by custom and background. Paul challenges them (v9-13) to give up their rights if it causes others stumble. (v13).

To be able to answer the question of 'will we offend a fellow Christian' then we must know each other.
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