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Luke 11:37-54   Reading
Studies in the book of: Luke
It's What's Inside that Counts
The scene. Jesus is having a meal. Ceremonial washing not done by Jesus.
1. Their hypocrisy. Look clean, inside scum, dirty. Facade. Warnings: (a) Neglect justice (love) - whole point of the law (b) Lawyers had lots of rules, but don't help. No heart.
2. Consequences. They had no relationship with God (v52), and effect those around them. You make people unclean (unmarked grave).
3. The remedy. Need to fix what is inside (heart). Need Jesus (v40). Commit to looking after the heart.
4. How does this apply to us? Pharisees had no love of God or neighbour. God has given us a new heart, even though it may not as be as dramatic as others. God calls us to watch our hearts, so they are not easily tarnished. We need to be reminded each day of the Gospel of Grace.
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