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Luke 16:1-15   Reading
Studies in the book of: Luke
Make friends for eternity
Being shrewd with our wealth.
1. Man decides to make friends by reducing the debts of people. At end he has a lot of wealthy friends who owe him a favor. His master commends his shrewdness and strategy.
Definition of two words: (a) Worldly - something you would not find in God's kingdom (also translated dishonest) (b) Mammon (wealth) anything of value in this world that you would not take into God's kingdom.
2. A shrewd attitude to stuff (a) Understand 'stuff' will fail - it is only temporary. (b) it is very little in the light of eternity. (c) The stuff is not actually our own. (d) Stuff is a good servant, but lethal master. Some people are owned by their stuff.
3. Making friends for eternity. Use our wealth now to help others to get to eternity with God. How we can do this (a) Spend time with others (eg workmates) (b) Hospitality (c) Limit our work involvement so we have time for others. (d) Give your cash to God's work.
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