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Luke 17:20-37   Reading
Studies in the book of: Luke
Living in light of the Kingdom
Luke's Gospel is about the Kingdom of God - who is in, and who is out.
1. When is the Kingdom coming? The King was standing before them. The Pharisees have missed every sign.
2. The kingdom is still to come in fulness.
(a) Unmistakable. Don't be deceived, we will know when it happens. We can mistakenly get caught up in Christian groups working on good things, but not the real thing.
(b) Cataclysmic. Violent upheaval. The universe is heading for a violent end. God will not let sinful rebellion continue forever. Too late then to decide for Christ. Even Lot's children laughed in his face.
(c) Be a divisive day. Between believer and unbeliever. Happen during the mundane things of life. Are we ready for it? Warning about Lot's wife, who looked back - probably because she longed for her old life.
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