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Acts 13:1-49   Reading
Studies in the book of: Acts
A living message
Why do Christians get a 'hard' time or excluded?
1. The message itself is 'reasonable' message. Paul and Barnabas sent out by the Holy Spirit (v1-3). V23 - summary of the message - Jesus is Saviour. Paul quotes Old testament verse, and is invited back (v42). The Bible is full of facts. We have a true message. That is why it spread (v49).
2. A message that causes reactions. It calls people to change, and our conscience reacts. (v38,39 ) - we need to get right with God. (v45) the whole city gathered and the Jewish leaders were jealous. They become hostile when they felt threatened, especially when we need to go beyond theory to following Jesus - we need to change. The message demands a response. Not everyone will reject it.
3. God works through the Gospel. (v48) (Hebrews 4:12 - God's word is active). It may take a long term to germinate. Even Paul was once a scoffer.
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