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We want to help you know your Bible

Why this site?

Your word is a lamp to my feet,
and a light to my path.

(Psalm 119:105)

To understand what God desires for us, and how we can live to please him is one of our greatest privileges and responsibilities.

God has our best interests at heart.

By understanding the Bible, we can begin to appreciate how we too can share in God's promises. The aim of this site is to help you achieve that understanding.

How this site came to be

When I as a retired minister started recently to attend the Kallaroo Anglican Church, I was moved by the quality of the messages, and deeply impressed and touched by their clarity, clear uncomplicated teaching of the Bible passage, and how it is understandable to all ages.

This is evident by the fact that in the congregation are both young people and university professors and lecturers, and theologically qualified people, plus many ordinary folk. But yet they all sit, with their Bibles open, listening intently and taking notes. I was most impressed.

I thought, 'These messages are too good to be only used once.' There are many places, and many people of all ages in many countries that could benefit from these messages. So after gaining approval from the ministers of the church, I have put together this site to encourage people all round the world to study God's Word and to 'grow thereby'.

I trust you too will be blessed by these studies.
Clyde McLennan, Oct, 2017

Our core beliefs

Bible based, evangelical

Most studies on this site are kindly provided by the ministers from the Kallaroo Anglican Church in Western Australia. This site therefore reflects the theological position of that Church, which is stated on their website:

People, Not Buildings
God’s intention has always been to gather a people for himself, who would know him and worship him, living the full life he created us for.

Sadly, this has not been humanity’s idea of the “full life” and all have rejected God’s Lordship over us. God could have put an end to his rebellious creation. But instead, he chose to send Jesus into the world to die in the place of rebellious men and women, taking their punishment. If anyone trusts Jesus’ death and resurrection for them, they are forgiven by God and become one of “his people”. Salvation is about relationships, us with God, and each other. Church is the local expression of this. It is not about buildings, but people, gathered together to meet with and hear from God as the Bible is read and taught from.

God has clearly communicated all of this in the Bible. And we believe that God continues to communicate to this world through the message of Jesus. At Church of the Resurrection, we expect God to be at work among us through his Word by his Spirit. So the Bible is central in our meetings as we read it, hear it explained, and encourage each other to put into practice what it says.