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Ephesians 5:1-21   Reading
Studies in the book of: Ephesians
Walk God's way
We are good imitators.
1. Walk in love v1 - It is modelled on the example of Jesus and His sacrificial love. What love is not (v3-4) but rather self-centered. Be thankful for God's love. Two instructions (a) v6,7 - avoid bad company and influences (b) v3 - not even a hint of impurity.
2. Walk in Light v8 - Light reveals what is there, and we take appropriate action. This looks like (v9). The only dealings we have with darkness is to expose them (v11) - by displaying the Christian way in our actions. People will never know they are in darkness until they have seen the light (v13).
3. Walk in Wisdom (v15) - Know God better and respond to that (Ephesians 1:17). Don't let your mind be out of control (eg, drunk v18), but rather be under the influence of the Spirit (v19). This looks like (a) Builds up the body of believers (v19) (b) Being thankful to God. (v20).
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<< Eph 4:17-32, ChangeEph 5:21-6:9, Be filled with the Spirit - at home >>