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Acts 2:22-41   Reading
Studies in the book of: Acts
Seated at God's right hand
The amazing change in Peter - terrified that he might be identified as a friend of Jesus. Here he stood up in front of a crowd of 5-6,000 and preaches the first Christian sermon.
1. Jesus body did not see decay. Relates what they know (v22,23). BUT (v24) - Jesus didn't stay dead. Already in Psalm 16. Peter explains what David meant (v29). At the centre of Christianity is the resurrection - the empty tomb. (v31). The people there were witnesses to the fact of the resurrection. Implications - Jesus is God, and the enemies of Jesus need to be afraid (v36)
2. What shall we (v37). Their error of being on the wrong side has been exposed. They had a moment of clarity. v38,39 - repent and be baptised. Repent is more than remorse - it means 'change mind' about Jesus. (Compare Judas and Peter). About 3,000 changed their mind. No one is beyond help from Jesus.
3. The incredible promise (Ephesians 2:4) God raises those who He forgives, He raises us up to be seated with the King. This is a hope to share with other (v38,39)
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