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1 Corinthians 10:1-11:1   Reading
Studies in the book of: 1 Corinthians
Standing firm
Are we certain of where we will spend eternity. (1 John 5:13).
For Christians, it is possible to use our assurance in a way that disqualifies us.' (Paul - I will not be disqualified).
1. Learn from our forefathers. (v1-4). Jews had God's blessings and salvation. But (v5) God was not pleased, and they died in the desert. The reasons given (v7-10) were the same as in Corinth. Only two walked into the promised land. (v6) These things are examples (v11-12) and warnings. The one thing that matters - our Salvation rests on God alone and His faithfulness. (v12)
2. Flee from idolatry (v14) - We belong to the Lord (v16,17) and to the Christian community. But the Corinthians, looked like they belonged to another (v18-21). What are idols today? - (a) Practicing religious or cult things while on holidays. (b) Computer games and movies that are based on the occult. (c) Local idols - sport, money and investments, family home, career, leisure and holidays, family. - what do people make any sacrifice for. V22-God is a jealous God.
3. Put your assurance to work. (v23) Everything is not beneficial (for the common good), or constructive (build up). (v24) Seek the good of others - particularly their eternal destination. Example of eating meat. We can give up things in this life, because God has given us everything. We are tied to God. V31 - serve God in the ordinary things of 'eating and drinking'. Then thee are many tasks in the Church need volunteers.
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