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1 Corinthians 11:17-34   Reading
Studies in the book of: 1 Corinthians
Coming together
Product warnings are common these days. In Corinth they were so wrong on some issues.
1. Coming together in Corinth - more harm than good. (v17-22) Had a church meal, the wealthy did well, and poor did not (v20-21), each eats his own meal. Selfishness. When we come together, there is corporate things to be done. (Pray, sing, confession etc).
2. Remember and proclaim. (v23-25) Jesus death and resurrection established a new Covenant. Cosmic purpose of the Church. (Ephesians 3:10,11). Their gathering made a mockery of Jesus' death, because they were thought only of themselves.
3. Recognise the Body. It matters to God how we live, including how we ought to meet together (v27-28). Failure to recognise the Body of the Lord (10:17) the gathering of Christians. What do we think of our our local Church - which is God's Church. God judges those who dishonour His Church (v30-32).
3. How are we to regard our Church?
(a) Holy Communion - we are to remember it is about Jesus - we do it together. The family of God. Look forward to His return.
(b) We can share meals together (maybe at Bible study) (v33) - people of God. Eat in a worthy many.
(c) Recognise the Body. This is God's special possession. Engage together, specially those we don't know. (v33) We are not strangers on a bus.
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