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Galatians 5:1-15   Reading
Studies in the book of: Galatians
Set free for service
What one word best describes Christianity?
Christian freedom is different to the world's view of freedom (freedom to be as selfish as we can be). (v13)
1. What are we free from. (v1) Christians are set free from many things. God wants us to know and experience it. Warning at the end of verse. Also (v2-4). Two ways to approach Christ - keep the law (by being good) is actually slavery. The Gospel is about what God has done - I'm free. By trying to add to 'works' as a requirement for Salvation we are really saying Jesus didn't do enough. Three reasons why the law is a problem:(a) burdensome. (b) hopeless (v3) - have to keep the whole law. (c) keeping rules is no way of pleasing God (v4). The positive view: (v5,6) we wait with eager expectation.
2. What we are free for. (v6) Love. (compare v13-15). Our freedom does not lead to selfishness, but rather the obligation to love. Having been set free, we are free to serve. It is freedom to do what I am made to do. (like a fish).
3. How do we live as free people? (a) Thankfulness, because of what God has done. (b) Moralism - beware of thinking our performance makes God love me more. (c) Beware of our culture's freedom. Selfishness. It leads to slavery. (d) Enjoy our freedom in Christ.
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