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Acts 14:1-28   Reading
Studies in the book of: Acts
The cost of sharing the Gospel
Evangelism should be constantly on our mind. Acts 14 - Paul's first Missionary journey - modern Turkey.
1. The Gospel divides. (v1,4) They go to the synagogue. Both Jews and Gentiles responded. New relationships were developing within the Church, but the Church became a common enemy. (v4, 5). Paul and Barnabas had to flee to Lystra. Why such hostility. Maybe because people turned their back on their previous practices and traditions. Becoming a Christian is changing our allegiance.
2. You need to know your people. - Lystra (v8). Why does Luke (the author) mention this healing of the lame man? To show that Paul's ministry to the Gentiles is similar to and just as legitimate as Peter's ministry to Jews. But there is a different reaction to the healing - the people think they are gods (v11-13). Paul and Barnabas were appalled, (v14-18) but used the opportunity to proclaim the true God in a way Gentiles world understand. We need to speak in the language and culture of the listeners.
3. To persevere. Paul and Barnabas go back through the areas that had given them trouble(v21). He wanted to strengthen the Christians in those areas. (v22,23).
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