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1 Corinthians 1:18_2:5   Reading
Studies in the book of: 1 Corinthians
God's people in the world
None of us want to be known as a fool. What is wisdom?
1. Message. v18 - The message Paul preaches is foolishness to those who don't know God. The 2nd response, it is the power of God - those who are being rescued. Paul quotes Isaiah 29:14. The world's wisdom does not know God. Greater technology does not change the human heart. Difference between intelligence and wisdom. v22-23. God's wisdom is in the message of the Cross. The Corinthian church's division was based on the world's wisdom.
2. Meeting. v26 - the church people were just ordinary people (v27-28). God prefers 'nobodies'. The day of Judgement will reveal all. None can boast before God (v29-31) - because everything we have is a gift from God. We often think if we get famous people to Church the Church will grow - but God uses the ordinary and lonely people.
3. Messenger. 2:1. Paul didn't use eloquence. In Paul's time, speaking competitions were popular. Why (v2) - Paul relied on the unimpressive message of the cross. (v3,4). It was better for them to understand the Gospel. Our wisdom and talents can get in the way of message.
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<< 1 Cor 1:18-31, The power of God1 Cor 2:6-16, God's wisdom >>