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1 Corinthians 13:1-13   Reading
Studies in the book of: 1 Corinthians
Pursue love
Where is our heart - do we love one another?
Love is the atmosphere we live in - pursue love (14:1).
1. Pursue love, because it gives things their true value. (v1-3) We would naturally admire a person who had the skills in v1-3. But without love, God is not impressed, and they have nothing of value to offer. Who do people aspire to in our society - (educated, good looking, sporting people - the ones who are top). What about Christian role models. Corinth prized skill, but God wanted them to prize people.
2. Pursue love, because it humbles us and gives us hope. (v4-7) The Church at Corinth had real problems - they needed love at centre. (v4-7). Put our name in place of the word 'love'. Is this a description of us. We can think we are someone because of what we can do, but it is more about our love. Jesus is our example of pure love. 1 John 4:7. (a) Pray over these verses - that God will do this in our life. (b) Memorise these verses. - Let them be a constant reminder.
3. Pursue love, for it will last. (v8-13) Corinth was a gifted church - we 'have arrived'. Tongues, knowledge, prophecy all belong to this age - really just tools to get the job done. The bond of love is for this life and the next.

What does love look like - can be expressed in very ordinary ways. Just helping people in their needs.
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