small church music


Here are some more details about the hymn:
Just as I am (Woodworth))

Hymnbooks that contain this hymn or tune
Hymn BookNoAlt.First Line/Tune
Baptist Hymnal (US), 2008 435
Just as I am, without one plea (Woodworth)
Celebration Hymnal, 1997 488
Just as I am (Woodworth)
Country Western Vol 1 (1972) 94
Just as I am, without one plea (William B. Bradbury)
Lutheran Service Book, 2006 570
Just as I am, without one plea (Woodworth)
Mission Praise, 2005 396
Just as I am, without one plea (Woodworth)
Singing the Faith, 2011 556 3 Just as I am, without one plea (Woodworth)
Songs of Fellowship (Vol 1-5), 1993-2011 316
Just as I am (Wordsworth)
The Covenant Hymnal, 1996 331
Just as I am without one plea (Woodworth)
The Hymnal, 1940 409 3 Just as I am, without one plea (Woodworth)
The Hymnal, 1982 693
Just as I am (Woodworth)
The Presbyterian Hymnal, 1990 370
Just as I am, without one plea (Woodworth)
Together in Song, 1999 584 2 Just as I, without one plea (Woodworth)
Wesley's Hymns (1886) 163
When, gracious Lord, when shall it be (Woodworth)
Chinese Language
生命聖詩 - Hymns of Life, 1986 198
來就上主羔羊 (Woodworth)
聖徒詩歌 - Hymnary, 1984 628
照我本相 (Woodworth)
讚美詩-The New Hymnal, 1983 225
我来就主歌 (Woodworth)
教會聖詩 - Hymns for God's People, 1985 304
照我本相 (Woodworth)
世紀頌讚 - Century Praise, 2001 271
我罪極重 (Woodworth)
Hausa Language
Littafin Wakoki - Hausa (West Africa) 169
Ya Yesu Ubangijina (Woodworth)
Hungarian Language
Baptista gyülekezeti énekeskönyv (2010) 217
Amint vagyok, csak úgy jövök ()
Indonesian Language
Lagu Sion - Indonesian (1991) 199
Sebagaimana 'Ku Ada (William B. Bradbury)
Latvian Language
Dziesmu grāmata (1992) 324
Kungs, Tavas asins svētiba ()
Malagasy Language
Protestant Madagascar Hymnal, 2001 593
Ry Jeso o, Mpanjakanay (W.B. Bradbury)
Russian Language
Гимны Христиан (1994) 244
Таков как есть без дел без слов (Wm. B. Bradbury)
Spanish Language
Himnario Bautista (2000) 211
Tal Como Soy (Woodworth)
Thai Language
เพลง เเห่ง ชืวิตตริสเตืยน (2007) 287
ใจชวเทาใดขาฯกเชอวา ()

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