small church music

Listing of Midi files, starting with "C"

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Alphabetical list of Midi files.
Can I forget bright Eden's, St. John (Welsh)
Can you count the stars, German Folk Tune
Caneuon Ffydd - #123, Pontmorlais
Caneuon Ffydd - #163, Downing
Caneuon Ffydd - #200, Llwyncoedwr
Caneuon Ffydd - #208, Eirinwg
Caneuon Ffydd - #209, Dan-Y-Graig
Caneuon Ffydd - #210, Alice
Caneuon Ffydd-2001 #146, Bydd yn dawel yn dy Dduw
Captain of Israel's host, and Guide, Marienlyst
Captain of the saintly band, Vienna
Captains of the saintly band, Harts
Captured by Thy beauty, Mimi Lam
Cast thy burden upon the Lord, F. Mendelssohn
Children of Jerusalem, Infant Praise
Children of the Heavenly, Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara
Children of the heavenly King, Brasted
Chosen Seed and Zion's Children, Lammets Folk
Christ, above all glory seated!, Newton Ferns
Christ be my Leader by night, Bonnie George Campbell
Christ for the world, we sing, Edinburgh
Christ for the world we sing, Moscow
Christ has arisen, alleluia, Mfurahini Haleluya
Christ has for sin atonement made, E.A. Hoffman
Christ is made the sure Foundation, Grafton
Christ is made the sure Foundation, Regent Square
Christ is made the sure Foundation, Urss Coelestis
Christ is made the sure, Westminster Abbey
Christ is Risen! Hallelujah, Morgenlied
Christ is surely coming, Pomp and Circumstance
Christ is the world's light, Christe Sanctorium
Christ is the world's light, Travellers` Rest ©
Christ is the world's Redeemer, Moville
Christ is the world's true light, Rinkart
Christ is the world's true Light, St. Joan
Christ is the, Was Frag Ich Nach Der Welt
Christ Jesus lay in, Christ Lag In Todesbanden
Christ of the upward way, Adsum
Christ of the upward way, Sursum Corda
Christ our Redeemer died on the cross, J.G. Foote
Christ, the fair glory of the, Coelites Plaudant
Christ the Lord is risen, Christ ist erstanden
Christ the Lord is risen, Wurtemburg (1 Alleluia)
Christ, the Lord, is risen today, Easter Hymn
Christ the Lord is risen today, Nassau
Christ the Saviour came from, Hawaiin Folk Song
Christ upon the mountain peak, Feniton ©
Christ, we do all adore Thee, T. Dubois
Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Heathlands
Christ, whose glory, Ministres De L'Eternel
Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Ratisbon
Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Spanish Hymn
Christian, dost thou see them, Sohren
Christian, dost Thou see them, St. Andrew of Crete
Christians, awake, salute the happy morn, Yorkshire
City of God how broad and far, Richmond
Closer to Thee, my Father, draw me, J.H. Tenney
Colourful Creator, God of mystery, Houghton (Young) ©
Come along with me to my, Deuwch Gyda Mi
Come and let us sweetly join, Hart's
Come and rejoice with me, Huddersfield
Come and see the shining, Marching through Georgia
Come away to the skies, my beloved, Middlebury
Come, Christians, join to sing, Madrid
Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell, Cross Deep
Come down, O Love divine, Down Ampney ©
Come, empty me of self, Joseph Barnby
Come, every soul by sin oppressed, Minerva/Trust
Come, God's people, sing, Good King Wenceslas
Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove, Galilee
Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove, Hawkhurst
Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove, Mendon
Come, gracious, Spirit, heav'nly Dove, Baca
Come, Holy Ghost,, Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
Come, Holy Ghost, life-giving fire, Hornsea
Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire, St. Stephen
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, J. H. Hopkins
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls, Veni Creator (Tallis)
Come, Holy Ghost, Thine influence shed, Hampstead
Come, Holy Ghost, with God the Son, Vetter
Come Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove, St. Martin`s
Come, Holy Spirit, like a dove, Rhys
Come into His presence, singing Alleluia, Unknown
Come, let us all unite and sing, Better World
Come, let us anew, Derbe
Come let us join our cheerful songs, Nativity
Come, let us join our friends above, Stockton
Come let us sing of a wonderful love, Wonderful love
Come let us unite from a ready heart, Glanceri
Come let us, who in Christ believe, Attercliffe
Come, let us with our Lord arise, Gloucester
Come, let us with our Lord arise, Plymouth Dock
Come, let us with our Lord arise, St. Petersburg
Come, Lord, in Thy, Salvation Army Musical Board
Come, Lord, to our souls come down, Melling
Come, Lord, to our souls come down, Veni, Domine
Come, my soul, thou must be waking, Carman
Come, my soul, thou must be waking, Richter
Come, my way, my truth, my life, The Call
Come, O everlasting Spirit, Sicilian Mariners
Come, O Spirit, with Your sound, Boundless Mercy
Come, O Thou traveller unknown, Colchester
Come, O Thou traveller unknown, Wrestling Jacob
Come on, my partners in distress, Praise
Come, praise the name of Jesus, Stand Up
Come, pure hearts, in sweetest measure, Cobb
Come, rejoice before your Maker, Come, Rejoice ©
Come, rejoice before your Maker, St. Andrew (Thorne)
Come, risen Lord, and deign to be, Blackbird Leys ©
Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest, Borough
Come, sing of the springtime, Song of Resurrection
Come, sing of the springtime, Stowey
Come sing, ye choirs exultant, Praetorius
Come, Sovereign Lord, down, Llandaf
Come, Spirit blest, Creator, come, Tallis` Ordinal
Come, Thou Almighty King, Italian Hymn
Come, Thou Almighty King, Moscow
Come, Thou Fount of every blessing, Corinth
Come, Thou Fount of every blessing, Nettleton
Come, thou fount of every blessing, Normandy (Bost)
Come, Thou Holy Spirit, come, Veni Sancte Spiritus
Come, Thou long expected Jesus, Hyfrydol
Come, Thou long expected Jesus, Stuttgart
Come to our poor nature's night, Irene
Come to the Savior, make no delay, G.F. Root
Come to the Saviour now, Invitation
Come unto Me, ye weary, Come unto me (Dykes)
Come, we follow Jesus, Barney E. Warren
Come, we that love the Lord, Marching to Zion
Come with us, O blessed Jesus, Jesu Joy
Come with us, O blessed Jesus, Werde Munter
Come, worship God who is worthy of honour, Spean
Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye, Consolator
Come, ye faithful, raise the, St. John Damascene
Come, Ye Faithful Raise the Strain, St. Kevin
Come, ye faithful, raise the, Ave Virgo Virginum
Come, ye sinners, poor and needy, Restoration
Come, ye souls by sin afflicted, Libera Nos
Come, ye thankful people,, St. George's Windsor
Come, ye that love the Lord, Ascension
Come, ye that love the Lord, E.W. Dunbar
Come, ye that love the Lord, Ridge
Come, you people, come adore Him, Omni Die
Come, you people, raise, Neander (Unser Herrscher)
Comfort, comfort ye My, Psalm 42 (Freu Dich Sehr)
Coming now to Thee, O Christ my Lord, Travis Avenue
Commit thou all thy griefs, Foster
Commit whatever, Befiehl Du Deine Wege (Haydn)
Completed, Lord, the Holy Mysteries, Song 4
Consider Him, Harold Green
Courage, brother! do not stumble, Courage, Brother
Cradled in a manger, Pleading Saviour
Cradled in a manger, St. Winifred
Create in me a clean heart, O, Schaffe In Mir, Gott
Creating God, Your fingers trace, Wilderness
Creator of the stars at night, Brockham
Creator of the stars of night, Conditor
Creator Spirit, by whose aid, Attwood
Creator Spirit, by whose aid, St. Catherine
Creator Spirit, by whose aid, Surrey
Cross of Christ! Lead onward, R. Kelso Carter
Cross of Jesus, cross of sorrow, Cross of Jesus
Crown Him with many crowns, Diademata
Crown our meeting at this present time, Dyfrdwy
Crucified with Christ my, Margaret M. Simpson