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TUNE LIST - starting with "B"

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TUNE LIST - starting with B
Click on the tune name to see all songs and music files for that selected tune
Tune/Song Title Tune/Song Title Tune/Song Title
Babylon's Streams, With broken heart and
Baca, Thy Life was given for me
Baca, Come, gracious, Spirit, heav'nly Dove
Bachofen, God's own child, I gladly say it
Baird, Come into His presence with thanksgiving ©
Balfour, The Lord will come and not be slow
Ballerma, Spirit Divine, attend our prayers
Balm, As Pants the Hart for Water Brooks
Bangor, Alone now going forth, O Lord
Barbara Allen, My Lord of Light who made the worlds
Barchester Fair, I come with joy to meet my Lord ©
Barmouth, At Thy feet, O Christ, we lay
Barnabas, Oft I in my heart have said
Barton, Light of the world, faint were our weary
Basque traditional, The angel Gabriel from heaven
Battle, Long did I toil, and knew no earthly rest
Battle Hymn, Mine eyes have seen the glory
Battle Hymn, From the very depths of darkness
Batty, Sweet the moments, rich in blessings
Baughen, Lord of the Cross of shame ©
Bax, O Love that wilt not let me go
Be Exalted, I will give thanks to thee ©
Beach Haven, A spendthrift Lover is the Lord ©
Beach Spring, As we gather at Your table
Beach Spring, Lord, whose love in humble service
Beach Spring, We are trav'lers on a journey
Beach Springs, Come, ye sinners, poor and needy
Beacon Hill, Are ye able, said the master
Bealoth, Spirit of faith, come down
Beati, The saints of God! their conflict past
Beati Immaculati, As Now Thy Children Lowly Kneel
Beatitudes, Blessed are the poor in spirit ©
Beatitudes, O how blest are the poor in Spirit ©
Beatitudo, Father of mercies, in Thy Word
Beatitudo, Give me the wings of faith to rise
Beatitudo, Jesus, these eyes have never seen
Beatty, This is holy ground ©
Beaumont, O Jesus I have promised ©
Beaumont, Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost ©
Beautiful Isle, Somewhere the sun is shining
Beautiful Saviour, All my days I will sing this song ©
Beazley, After the midnight, morning will greet us
Bechler, Sing Hallelujah, Praise the Lord
Beddgelert, Where are thy old mercies
Bede, Praise to our God, who with love never
Bedford, According to Thy gracious Word
Beecher, Love divine, all loves excelling
Beecher, God, our Father, we adore Thee
Beecher, God has spoken by His prophets
Beecher, There's a wideness in God's mercy
Beechwood, God, who made the earth
Beethoven, God moves in a mysterious way
Befiehl Du Deine Wege (Haydn), Commit whatever
Beginnings, This is the day of new beginnings ©
Behold the Lamb, He walked on earth ©
Bel Air, In the circle of each home ©
Belair, How deep the riches of our God ©
Belgrave, From Thee all skill and science flow
Bella Navidad, Christ is born, glory to God ©
Bellamy, Let us celebrate the glories of our Lord ©
Bellwoods, O Day of God, draw near
Belmont, We bless Thee for Thy peace
Belmont, Be known to us in breaking bread
Belmont, When all your mercies, O my God
Belmont, O for a closer walk with God
Belmont, There is a fountain filled with blood
Beloit, I thirst, thou wounded Lamb of God
Beloved, O Thou in whose presence my soul delights
Belsize, Jesu, meek and gentle
Ben Avon, All people that dwell on earth
Benediction, O Father, let Thy love remain
Benevento, What are these arrayed in white
Beng-Li, For the bread which you have broken ©
Benifold, Glory, love, and praise and honour for our ©
Benson, God is working His purpose out
Bensunas, Mary and Joseph came to the Temple ©
Bentley, Sometimes a light surprises
Bentley, The wise may bring their learning
Bentley, Come unto me, ye weary, and I will give you
Bereden Vag For Herran, Prepare the Royal Highway
Bereden vag for Herran, Prepare the way, O Zion
Bergen Ma Vika, Great hills may tremble
Bergers (Fragrance), Thou Who wast rich beyond all
Berkshire, High in the heavens, eternal God
Berthier, O Lord hear my prayer ©
Berwyn, Light of the world, for ever, ever shining
Besancon, People, look east. The time is near
Beth, Loving Spirit, loving Spirit ©
Bethany, Nearer My God to Thee
Bethany (Smart), Love divine, all loves excelling
Bethel Park, Glory to the Father ©
Bethlehem, Our Father, Thy dear Name doth show
Bethlehem, Thy Word is like a garden, Lord
Bethlehem, Never in all human story
Bethsaida, Break thou the bread of life ©
Betlehems StJarna, I think of that star of long ago
Better World, Come, let us all unite and sing
Beulah (Garrett), There is a land of pure delight
Beulah (Hemy), There is a blessed home
Bevan, Arise, my soul, arise
Beverley, Thou art coming, O my Savior
Bickford, Over the chaos of the empty waters ©
Bickford, By the Creator, Joseph was appointed ©
Bickley, I want the Spir't of power within
Bilhorn, I will sing the wondrous story
Billing, Our God, we know your providence
Binchester, Happy are they, they that love God
Bingham, Morning glory, starlit sky ©
Binghampton, My Father is rich in houses and lands
Binion, Glory to the Lamb ©
Birdsong, Lovely in your littleness ©
Birling, Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear
Birmingham, Lift up your hearts! We lift them, Lord,
Birmingham, Abide in Thee, in that deep love of
Birmingham, O valiant hearts, who to Your glory came
Birmingham, Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the
Birstal, Shall I, for fear of feeble man
Bishop, Lord, you call us to a journey ©
Bishopgarth, To Thee, O God, our hearts we raise
Bishopthorpe, Blessed be the Everlasting God
Bishopthorpe, Immortal Love, for ever full
Bjorklund Major, Let your heart be broken ©
Black Madonna, Mary, blessed grieving mother ©
Blackbird Leys, Come, risen Lord, and deign to be ©
Blackbourne, O Lord, and Master of us all
Blackburn, Thy kingdom come - on bended knee
Blaenhafren, We are living, we are dwelling
Blaenwern, What a Friend we have in Jesus
Blaenwern, Love divine, all loves excelling
Blairgowrie, Away with gloom, away with fears!
Blakeney, God of forgiveness your people you freed ©
Blencathra, Forward Through the Ages
Blessed Jesus, O Jesus, You're so at the centre ©
Blockley, Happy the man that finds the grace
Blodwen, Lord of heaven and earth
Blomqvist, O Breath of Life, come sweeping through
Blomstertid, Sometimes a light surprises
Blott En Dag, Day by day, and with each passing
Blow the wind southerly, Spirit of holiness
Boat Song, Spirit of God, unseen as the wind
Bocking, Jerusalem, my happy home
Bocking, Son of Thy Sire's eternal love
Bod Alwyn, Jesus invites His saints
Bodmin, O thou my soul, forget no more
Boe, Praise the God who changes places ©
Bolton, Jesus, what a wonder You are ©
Bolton, Not I, but Christ, be honored, loved,
Bonar, Pray, without ceasing pray
Bonn, Why should cross and trial grieve me?
Bonner, Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little
Bonnie Eloise, How sweet are the tidings that greet
Bonnie George Campbell, Christ be my Leader by night
Borough, Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest
Bossiney, Holy Ghost, come down upon thy children
Boston (Hamburg), O Love Divine! whose constant beam
Boundary, Glory be to Jesus
Boundless Mercy, Come, O Spirit, with Your sound
Boundless Praise, We Sing The Boundless Praise ©
Bourbon, Now let us all with one accord
Bourgeois, Joy and triumph everlasting
Bourne, In Christ there is no East or West
Bouwerie, I know not how that Bethl'hem's ©
Bovina, Amid the thronging worshippers
Bow Brickhill, O love of God, how strong and true ©
Bowden, Lord God the Holy Ghost
Boyce, Praise we now the word of grace
Boylston, The Holy Ghost is here
Boylston, Blest be the tie that binds
Bradbury, Savior, like a shepherd lead us
Braden, Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious ©
Bradford, I know that my Redeemer lives
Bradley, I lay my sins on Jesus ©
Braint, Privilege, privilege
Bramwell, I come with joy to meet my Lord ©
Brandenburg, Life of ages, richly poured
Branksome, God of pity, God of grace
Brasted, Children of the heavenly King
Braun, Shepherd of tender youth
Bread of Heaven, Jesus the good Shepherd is
Bred Dina Vida Vingar, In holy conversation we speak
Bremen, Another year completed
Bremen, Leave God to order all thy ways
Breslau, O Christ, our true and only light
Breslau, He sat to watch o'er customs paid
Breslau, We sing the praise of Him who died
Breton Road, God of everlasting glory ©
Brewster, Lord God, our thanks to Thee we raise ©
Bridegroom, Not for tongues of heaven's angels ©
Bridegroom, Like the murmur of the dove's song ©
Bridgewater, How sweet the name of Jesus sounds ©
Brighton, O God, whose Voice hath called us
Brindley, O gladsome light, O grace of God
Bring a Torch, Love has come - a light in the
Bristol, Hark, the glad sound! The Saviour comes
British Grenadiers, Hail to the Lord's
British National Anthem, God save our gracious Queen
Bro Aber, O Christ now come and save us, save us,
Broadmead, Sing we a song of high revolt
Broadmead (David's Harp), How blest is life if
Brock, I was lost in sin, but Jesus rescued me
Brockham, Creator of the stars at night
Brocklesbury (Brocklesby), Jesus, tender Shepherd,
Bromley, O Trinity of blessed light
Bromley, O blest Creator of the light
Bronwen (Plaisir D'Amour), O God, our Father
Brookfield, It is a thing most wonderful
Broomsgrove, This is the day the Lord has made
Brother James' Air, How lovely is Thy
Brother James` Air, The Lord's my Shepherd
Browning, Draw the circle wide ©
Brunswick, Dismiss me not thy service, Lord
Bryn Calfaria, God of grace and God of glory
Bryn Calfaria, Guide me O Thou Great Jehovah
Bryn Calfaria, Lord, enthroned in heavenly
Bryn Calfaria, Christ is coming!
Bryn Hywel, Great God of the vast heavens
Bryn Myrddin, Great Was Christ In Eternity
Bryn Wgan, Dear Lord, we thank you
Bryn-Teg, Let us bow down together
Brynawel, Give your blessing, Holy Spirit
Brynhyfryd, Now praise we great and famous men
Bryntirion, Thou who sentest thine Apostles
Buckland, Forty days and forty nights
Buckland, Granted is the Saviour's prayer
Buckley, My God! I know, I feel Thee mine
Buddugoliaeth, O Thou who hast redeemed of old
Builth, Great providence of heaven
Builth, Great providence of heaven
Bullinger, I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus
Bunessan, Morning has broken
Bunessan, Baptised in water, sealed by the Spirit ©
Bunessan, Praise and thanksgiving
Bunessan, Child in the manger
Burford, Lord, when we bend before Thy throne
Burg, Strengthen for Service, Lord, the Hands
Burning Tree, God of our youth, to whom we yield ©
Burton, Break, day of God, O break
Buttermere, Unto the silent hills I raise ©
Bydd yn dawel yn dy Dduw, Caneuon Ffydd-2001 #146
Byzantium, Give me the wings of faith to rise
Byzantium, Come let us to the Lord our God