small church music


Here are some more details about the hymn:
Jesus loves the little children (George F. Root))

Hymnbooks that contain this hymn or tune
Hymn BookNoAlt.First Line/Tune
Baptist Hymnal (US), 2008 651
Jesus loves the little children (Children)
Celebration Hymnal, 1997 447
Jesus loves the little children (Children)
The Covenant Hymnal, 1996 689
Jesus loves the little children (Children)
Chinese Language
教會聖詩 - Hymns for God's People, 1985 17
耶穌喜愛小孩 (George F. Root)
世紀頌讚 - Century Praise, 2001 164
耶穌喜愛世上小孩 (Children)
Hausa Language
Littafin Wakoki - Hausa (West Africa) 402
Y02 - Yesu yana son mutane (G. F. Root)
Korean Language
찬송과예배 - Come, Let Us Worship (2002) 337
세상 모든 어린이를 (Children)

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