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Hymn Books PresbyterianHymnal

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The Presbyterian Hymnal, 1990

     1     Come, Thou long expected Jesus, Stuttgart
     2     Come, Thou long expected Jesus, Hyfrydol
     3     Comfort, comfort You my people, Psalm 42
     4     Creator of the stars of night, Conditor Alme Siderum
     5     Let all mortal flesh keep silence, Picardy
     6     Jesus comes with clouds descending, Helmsley
     7     Lord Christ, when first You came, Mit Freuden Zart ©
     8     Lift up your heads, Truro
     9     O come O come Emmanuel, Veni Emmanuel
   10     On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry, Winchester New
   11     O Lord, how shall I meet You, Valet Will Ich Dir Geben
   12     People, look east, Besancon
   13     Prepare the Way, Bereden Vag For Herran
   14     Savior of the nations, come, Nun Komm, Der Heiden Heiland
   15     Rejoice! Rejoice, believers, Llangloffan
   16     The angel Gabriel from heaven came, Gabriel's Message
   17     Sleepers, wake! A voice astounds us, Wachet Auf
   20     Watchman, tell us of the night, Aberystwyth
   21     All my heart today rejoices, Warum Sollt' Ich
   22     Angels, from the realms of glory, Regent Square
   23     Angels we have heard on high, Gloria
   24     Away in a manger, Cradle Song
   25     Away in a manger, Mueller
   26     Break forth, O beauteous heavenly light, Ermuntre Dich
   27     Gentle Mary laid her child, Tempus Adest Floridum
   28     Good Christian men, rejoice, In Dulci Jubilo
   29     Go, tell it on the mountain, Go tell it
   31     Hark! the herald angels sing, Mendelssohn
   33     Holy night, Blessed Nigh, Mandarin Carol
   35     In Bethlehem a newbown boy, In Bethlehem
   36     In the bleak midwinter, Cranham
   37     Infant Holy, Infant Lowly, W. Zlobie Lezy
   38     It came upon the midnight clear, Carol
   40     Joy to the world! The Lord is come, Antioch
   41     O come, all ye faithful, Adeste Fideles
   43     O little town of Bethlehem, Forest Green
   44     O little town of Bethlehem, St. Louis
   45     O sleep, dear Holy Baby, A La Ru
   46     On this day earth shall ring, Personent Hodie
   48     Lo, how a rose e'er blooming, Es Ist Ein Ros'
   49     Once in royal David's city, Irby
   50     There's a star in the East, African-American Spiritual
   51     See amid the winter's snow, Humility
   53     What child is this, who, laid to rest, Greensleeves
   54     From heaven above to earth I come, Vom Himmel Hoch
   56     The first nowell, English Traditional Carol
   57     The snow lay on the ground, Venite Adoremus ©
   58     While shepherds watched their flocks by night, Winchester Old
   59     While shepherds watched their flocks by night, Christmas
   60     Silent night! Holy night!, Stille Nacht
   61     Twas in the moon of winter time, Une Jeune Pucelle
   63     As with gladness men of old, Dix
   66     We three kings of Orient are, John H. Hopkins
   67     Brightest and best of the sons of the morning, Morning Star ©
   68     What star is this, with beams so bright, Puer Nobis Nascitur
   69     O Morning Star, how fair and bright, Wie Schon Leuchtet
   70     Christ, when for us You were baptized, Caithness
   71     Lord, when You came to Jordan, Genevan 130
   75     O wondrous sight, O vision fair, Deo Gracias
   77     Forty days and forty nights, Aus Der Tiefe Rufe Ich
   78     Alas, and did my Savior bleed, Martyrdom
   79     Kind Maker of the world, A La Venue De Noel ©
   80     Jesus walked this lonesome valley, Lonesome Valley
   81     Lord, who throughout these forty days, St. Flavian
   82     O Lamb of God most holy!, O Lamm Gottes
   83     O Love, how deep, how broad, Deo Gracias
   84     In the cross of Christ I glory, Rathbun
   85     What wondrous love is this, Wondrous Love
   86     When we are tempted, Psalm 22
   87     The glory of these forty days, Erhalt Uns, Herr ©
   88     All glory, laud, and honour, Valet Will Ich Dir Geben
   89     Hosanna, loud hosanna, Ellacombe
   90     Ride on! Ride on in majesty, The King's Majesty ©
   91     Ride on! ride on in majesty!, St. Drostrane
   92     Beneath the Cross of Jesus, St. Christopher
   93     Ah, holy Jesus, Herzliebster Jesu
   94     An upper room did our Lord, O Waly Waly
   95     They crucified my Lord, African-American Spiritual
   96     Calvary, African-American Spiritual
   97     Go to dark Gethsemane, Redhead 76
   98     O sacred Head, now wounded, Passion Chorale
   99     Throned upon the awful tree, Arfon
 100     When I survey the wondrous Cross, Rockingham
 101     When I survey the wondrous Cross, Hamburg
 102     Were you there, African-American Spiritual
 104     Christ is risen! Shout Hosanna!, Hymn to Joy
 105     Because You live, O Christ, Vruechten
 108     Christ is alive! Let Christians sing, Truro
 110     Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands, Christ Lag In Todesbande
 111     Good Christian men, rejoice, Gelobt sei Gott
 112     Christ the Lord is risen again, Christ ist erstanden
 113     Christ the Lord is risen today, Llanfair
 114     Come ye faithful, raise the strain, Ave Virgo Virginum
 115     Come ye faithful, raise the strain, St. Kevin ©
 116     O Sons and Daughters, let us sing, O Filii et Filiae
 117     O Sons and Daughters, let us sing, O Filii et Filiae
 118     The day of resurrection!, Lancashire
 119     The strife is o'er, the battle done, Victory (Alleluias) ©
 120     Hail thee, Festival Day!, Salve Festa Dies ©
 121     That Easter day with joy was bright, Puer Nobis Nascitur
 122     Thine is the glory, Judas Maccabeus
 123     Jesus Christ is risen today, Easter Hymn
 124     Spirit of God, unleashed on earth, Kedron ©
 125     Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, Veni Creator Spiritus
 126     Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, St. Agnes
 127     Come, O Spirit, with Your sound, Boundless Mercy
 128     On Pentecost they gathered, Munich
 129     Come, O Spirit. dwell among us, Ebenezer
 130     Let every Christian pray, Laudes Domini
 131     Wind who makes all winds that blow, Aberystwyth
 133     All glory be to God on high, Allein Gott in der Hoh'
 137     We all believe in one true God, Wir Glauben all'
 138     Holy, holy, holy!, Nicea
 139     Come, Thou Almighty King, Italian Hymn
 141     A hymn of glory let us sing, Deo Gracias
 142     All hail the power of Jesu's name, Coronation
 143     All hail the power of Jesu's name, Diadem
 144     Allelulia! Sing to Jesus!, Hyfrydol
 145     Rejoice, ye pure in heart, Marion
 147     Blessing and honor and glory, O Quanta Qualia
 148     At the name of Jesus, King's Weston
 149     The head that once was crowned with thorns, St. Magnus
 150     Come, Christians, join to sing, Madrid
 151     Crown Him with many crowns, Diademata
 154     Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendor, Bryn Calfaria
 155     Rejoice, the Lord is King, Darwall's 148th
 157     Our King and our Sovereign, Mi Rey Y Mi Amigo
 158     The one is blest who, fearing God, Dunfermline
 159     Why are nations raging, Salzburg
 161     As morning dawns, Lord, Wareham
 162     O Lord, our God, how excellent, Winchester Old
 163     Lord, our Lord, Thy glorious name, Gott Sei Dank Durch Alle Welt ©
 164     Lord, who may dwell within Your house, Cheshire
 165     When in the night I meditate, St. Flavian
 166     The heavens above declare God's praise, Caithness
 167     God's law is perfect, Halifax
 168     Lord, why have You forsaken me, Conditor Alme Siderum
 170     The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want, Crimond
 171     The King of love my Shepherd is, St. Columba
 172     My Shepherd will supply my need, Resignation
 174     The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want, Dominus Regit Me
 175     The Lord's my Shepherd, all my need, Evan
 176     The earth and all that dwell therein, Caithness
 177     Lift up the gates eternal, Promised One
 178     Lord, to You my soul is lifted, Genevan 25
 179     God is my strong salvation, Christus, Der Ist Mein Leben
 181     Come sing to God, Ellacombe
 183     In You, Lord, I have put my trust, In Dich Hab' Ich Gehoffet
 184     How blest are those, Es Flog Ein Kleins Waldvogelein
 186     Thy mercy and Thy truth, O Lord, Tallis' Ordinal
 188     Fret not for those who do wrong things, Culross
 189     As deer long for the streams, Rockingham
 191     God is our refuge, Winchester Old
 192     God our help and constant refuge, Michael ©
 197     My soul in silence waits for God, Cheshire
 198     O God, You are my God, St. Bride
 200     To bless the earth, Christus, Der Ist Mein Leben
 209     My song forever shall record, St. Petersburg
 210     Our God, our help, St. Anne
 211     Lord, You have been our dwelling place, Lobt Gott In Seinem Heiligtum
 212     Within Your shelter, loving God, Abbey
 213     God, our Lord, a King remaining, Bryn Calfaria
 214     O come and sing unto the Lord, Irish
 216     O sing a new song to the Lord, Gonfalon Royal
 218     New songs of celebration, Rendez a Dieu
 220     All people that on earth do dwell, Old 100th
 223     O my soul, bless your Redeemer, Stuttgart
 224     Bless the Lord, my soul and being, Rustington
 226     Sing praise unto the Name of God, Genevan 36
 228     O thou, my soul, return, Martyrdom
 229     From all that dwells below the skies, Lasst Uns Erfreuen
 230     This is the day the Lord has made, Nun danket all und bringet Ehr
 233     Blest are the uncorrupt in heart, Richmond
 234     I to the hills will lift my eyes, Dundee
 235     With joy I heard my friends exclaim, Gonfalon Royal
 236     Now Israel may say, Old 124th
 238     Unless the Lord the house shall build, Bourbon
 239     How happy is each child of God, Winchester Old
 240     Out of the depths to Thee I raise, Aus Tiefer Not
 241     Behold the goodness of our Lord, Crimond
 242     Come, all you servants of the Lord, Danby
 243     We thank You, Lord, Was Gott Tut
 244     Let us with a gladsome mind, Monkland
 246     By the Babylonian rivers, Kas Dziedaja
 247     I will give thanks with my whole heart, Herr Jesu Christ
 249     O Lord, make haste to hear my cry, Cannons
 250     When morning lights the eastern skies, St. Stephen
 251     Your faithfulness, O Lord, is sure, Winchester New
 252     O Lord, You are my God, Jerusalem
 253     I'll praise my Maker, Old 113th
 255     Now praise the Lord, St. Anne
 256     Let the whole creation cry, Salzburg
 257     Give praise to the Lord, Laudate Dominum
 259     A mighty fortress is our God, Ein' Feste Burg
 260     A mighty fortress is our God, Ein' Feste Burg
 261     God of compassion, O Quanta Qualia
 262     God of the ages, National Hymn
 263     Immortal, invisible, God only wise, St. Denio
 264     When in our music God is glorified, Engelberg
 265     Great God, we sing that mighty hand, Wareham
 267     All things bright and beautiful, Royal Oak
 268     God, who stretched the spangled heavens, Holy Manna
 269     O God of Bethel, by whose hand, Dundee
 270     O God, in a mysterious way, Dundee (Fauxbourdon)
 271     Many and great, O God, Lacquiparle
 274     O God of earth and space, Leoni
 275     God of our life, Sandon
 276     Great is Thy faithfulness, Faithfulness ©
 277     O God, our faithful God, O Gott, Du Frommer Gott
 278     Our God, to whom we turn, Was Frag' Ich Nach Der Welt
 279     Lord of our growing years, Little Cornard
 280     Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, Amazing Grace
 281     Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Cwm Rhondda
 282     If thou but trust in God, Wer Nur Den Lieben Gott
 283     God marked a line, Kedron
 284     O God, what You ordain, Was Gott Tut
 285     God, You spin the whirling planets, Austrian Hymn
 286     Give to the winds thy fears, St. Bride
 288     I sing the mighty power of God, Ellacombe
 289     O God of every nation, Llangloffan
 290     God created heaven and earth, Toa-Sia
 291     O God of earth and altar, Llangloffan
 292     All beautiful the march of days, Forest Green
 293     This is my Father's world, Terra Beata
 294     Wherever I may wander, New England
 295     O God of love, O God of peace, Du Meiner Seelen
 297     O Lord of every shining constellation, Vicar ©
 298     There's wideness in God's mercy, In Babilone
 300     Down to earth, as a dove, Personent Hodie
 301     Lord Jesus, think on me, Southwell
 303     Jesus, lover of my soul, Aberystwyth
 304     Jesus loves me!, William B. Bradbury
 305     Jesus, our divine Companion, Pleading Savior
 306     Fairest Lord Jesus, Crusader's Hymn
 307     Fight the good fight, Duke Street
 308     O sing a song of Bethlehem, Kingsfold
 309     Of the Father's love begotten, Divinum Mysterium
 310     Jesus, the very though of Thee, St. Agnes
 311     We meet You, O Christ, Normandy
 315     Every time I feel the Spirit, Pentecost
 316     Breathe on me, Breath of God, Trentham
 321     Holy Spirit, truth divine, Song 13
 323     Loving Spirit, Holy Spirit, Omni Die
 324     Open my eyes, that I may see, Clara H. Scott
 325     Spirit divine, attend our prayers, Nun danket all und bringet Ehr
 326     Spirit of God, descend upon my heart, Morecambe
 327     O Word of God Incarnate, Munich
 329     Break Thou the bread of life, Bread of Life
 332     Live into hope, Truro
 334     When Israel was in Egypt's land, Go down Moses
 335     Though I may speak, O Waly Waly
 337     Isaiah the prophet has written, Samanthra
 338     Kum ba yah, my Lord, Kum ba yah
 339     Be Thou my vision, Slane
 341     Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine, Assurance
 342     By gracious powers, Intercessor
 343     Called as partners in Christ's Service, Beecher
 344     Christ of the upward wat, Sursum Corda
 345     Dear Lord and Father of mankind, Rest
 346     Christ, You are the fulness, Arirang
 347     Forgive our sins as we forgive, Detroit
 349     Let all who pray the prayer, Cheshire
 352     Great are Your mercies, O my Maker, Song of the Hoe
 353     Great God, Your love has called us here, Das Neugeborne Kindelein
 354     Guide my feet, African-American Spiritual
 355     Hear the good news of Salvation, Nettleton
 356     Come, Thou Fount of ev'ry blessing, Nettleton
 357     O Master, let me walk with Thee, Maryton
 359     More love to Thee, O Christ, William H. Doane
 360     Hope of the world, Donne Secours
 361     How firm a foundation, Foundation
 362     I love the Lord, who heard my cry, African-American Spiritual
 363     I want Jesus to walk with me, Sojourner
 364     I sing a song of the saints of God, Grand Isle
 365     Jesus, priceless treasure, Jesu, Meine Freude
 366     Jesus, Thy boundless love to me, St. Catherine
 367     Jesu, Jesu, Fill us with Your love, Chereponi
 368     I've got peace like a river, African-American Spiritual
 370     Just as I am, without one plea, Woodworth
 372     Lord, I want to be a Christian, African-American Spiritual
 375     Lord of all good, Toulon
 376     Love Divine, all loves excelling, Hyfrydol
 378     Make me a captive Lord, St. Bride
 379     My hope is built on nothing less, Solid Rock
 380     O Christ, the Healer, Erhalt Uns, Herr
 382     Somebody's knocking at your door, African-American Spiritual
 383     My faith looks up to Thee, Olivet
 384     O Love that wilt not let me go, St. Margaret
 385     O God, we bear the imprint of Your face, Song 1
 386     O for a world, Azmon
 387     Saviour, like a shepherd lead us, Bradbury
 388     O Jesus, I have promised, Angel's Story
 389     O Jesus, I have promised, Nyland
 390     O Saviour, in this quiet place, St. Stephen
 391     Take my life, Hendon
 392     Take Thou our minds, dear Lord, Hall
 393     Take up your cross, the Saviour said, Bourdon
 394     There is a balm in Gilead, African-American Spiritual
 396     O for a closer walk with God, Caithness
 397     O for a closer walk with God, Dalehurst
 399     We walk by faith and not by sight, Dunlap's Creek
 400     When we are living, Somos Del Senor
 401     When will people cease their fighting?, Rustington
 403     What a Friend we have in Jesus, Converse
 408     When Cross the crowded ways of life, Germany
 409     Wild and lone the prophet's voice, Aberystwyth
 410     When I had not learned of Jesus, Yoosun Lee
 411     Arise, your light is come!, Festal Song
 412     Eternal God, whose power upholds, Forest Green
 413     All who love and serve Your city, Charlestown
 414     As those of old their firstfruits brought, Forest Green
 415     Come, labor on, Ora Labora
 416     Christ is made the sure foundation, Westminster Abbey
 417     Christ is made the sure foundation, Regent Square
 418     God, bless Your church with strength, Ich Halte Treulich Still
 419     How clear is our vocation, Lord, Repton
 420     God of grace and God of glory, Cwm Rhondda
 421     The church of Christ in every age, Wareham
 422     God, whose giving knows no ending, Beach Spring
 423     Jesus shall reign where'er the sun, Duke Street
 424     O Jesus Christ, may grateful hymns, Charterhouse
 426     Lord, speak to me, that I may speak, Canonbury
 427     Lord, whose love through humble service, Blaenhafren
 428     We give Thee but Thine own, Schumann
 430     Come sing, O Church, in joy!, Darwall's 148th
 431     O Lord, You gave Your servant, St. Patrick Breastplate
 432     May the God of Hope, Argentina
 434     Today we all are called to be disciples, Kingsfold
 435     We are one in mission, Es Flog Ein Kleins Waldvogelein
 436     We are Your people, Whitfield
 437     Our cities cry to You, Salvation
 438     Blest be the tie that binds, Dennis
 439     In Christ there is no East or West, St. Peter
 440     In Christ there is no East or West, McKee
 441     I love Thy Kingdom, Lord, St. Thomas
 442     The Church's one foundation, Aurelia
 443     O Christ, the great foundation, Aurelia
 444     We gather have to bid farewell, Winchester New
 445     Great day! Great day, the righteous marching, African-American Spiritual
 446     Glorious things of thee are spoken, Austrian Hymn
 447     Lead on, O King Eternal, Lancashire
 448     Lead on, O King Eternal, Llangloffan
 449     My Lord! what a morning, African-American Spiritual
 450     O day of peace, Jerusalem
 451     Ye watchers and ye holy ones, Lasst Uns Erfreuen
 452     O day of God, draw nigh, St. Michael
 453     O holy city, seen by John, Morning Song
 454     Blessed Jesus, at Your table, Liebster Jesu
 455     All creatures of our God and King, Lasst Uns Erfreuen
 456     Awake, my soul, and with the sun, Morning Hymn
 457     I greet Thee, who my sure Redeemer art, Toulon
 459     Father, we praise Thee, Christe Sanctorum
 460     Holy God, we praise Your name, Grosser Gott, Wir Loben Dich
 462     Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Ratisbon
 464     Joyful, joyful, we adore thee, Hymn to Joy
 466     O for a thousand tongues to sing, Azmon
 467     O Lord my God!, O Store Gud ©
 469     Morning has broken, Bunessan
 470     O day of radiant gladness, Es Flog Ein Kleins Waldvogelein
 472     O sing to the Lord, Brazilian Folk Melody
 473     For the beauty of the earth, Dix
 474     O splendor of God's glory bright, Puer Nobis Nascitur
 475     O that I had a thousand voices, O dass ich tausend Zungen hatte
 476     O worship the King all glorious above, Lyons
 477     Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim, Hanover
 478     Praise, my soul, the King of heaven, Lauda Anima ©
 479     Praise, my soul, the God of heaven, Lauda Anima ©
 481     Praise the Lord, God's glories show, Llanfair
 482     Praise ye the Lord, the Almighty, Lobe Den Herren
 483     Sing praise to God, who reigns above, Mit Freuden Zart
 485     To God be the Glory, William H. Doanne
 486     When the morning stars together, Weisse Flaggen
 487     When morning gilds the skies, Laudes Domini
 488     The God of Abraham praise, Leoni
 489     Open now thy gates of beauty, Unserr Herrscher
 491     Stand up and bless the Lord, Carlisle
 492     Baptized in water, Bunessan
 493     Dearest Jesus, we are here, Liebster Jesu
 494     Out of deep, unordered water, Rustington
 495     We know that Christ is raised, Engelberg
 496     Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord most dear, Vom Himmel Hoch
 497     With grateful hearts our faith professing, St. Clement
 499     Wonder of wonders, here revealed, Pentecost
 500     Become to us the living bread, O Filii et Filiae
 501     Bread of heaven, on Thee we feed, Arfon
 502     Bread of the world in mercy broken, Rendez a Dieu
 505     Be known to us in breaking bread, St. Flavian
 506     Deck yourself, my soul, Schmucke Dich
 507     I come with joy, Dove of peace
 509     For the bread which You have broken, Cross of Jesus
 510     Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts, Quebec
 511     Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts, Jesu Dulcis Memoria
 512     Living Word of God eternal, Komm, o komm, du Geist
 513     Let us break bread together, African-American Spiritual
 514     Let us talents tongues employ, Linstead
 516     Lord, we have come at Your own invitation, O Quanta Qualia
 517     We come as guests invited, Wie Lieblich Ist Der Maien
 519     Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, thee, Adoro Te Devote
 520     Here, O our Lord, we see You face to face, Adoro Te Devote
 522     Lord, when I come into this life, Land of rest
 523     God the Spirit, guide and guardian, Bethany
 524     Holy Spirit, Lord of love, Salzburg
 526     For all the Saints who from their labours rest, Sine Nomine
 527     There is a place of quiet rest, McAfee
 528     Give thanks for life, Sarum
 529     Lord of the living, Christe Sanctorum
 530     O Lord of life, where'er they be, Gelobt sei Gott
 533     O perfect Love, all human thought transcending, Perfect Love
 534     The grace of life is theirs, Rhosymedre
 535     Go with us, Lord, and guide the way, Tallis' Canon
 536     Lord, make us more holy, African-American Spiritual
 538     Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing, Sicilian Mariners
 539     Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise, Ellers
 540     God be with you till we meet again, Randolph
 541     Now the day is over, Merrial
 542     All praise to Thee, my God, this night, Tallis' Canon
 543     Abide with me, Eventide
 544     Day is done, but love unfailing, Ar Hyd Y Nos
 545     Now, on land and sea descending, Vesper Hymn
 546     The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended, St. Clement
 549     O gladsome light, O grace, Le Cantique de Simeon
 550     O Light whose splendor thrills, Les Commandemens de Dieu
 551     Come, ye thankful people, come, St. George's Windsor
 552     Give thanks, O Christian people, Es Flog Ein Kleins Waldvogelein
 554     Let all things now living, Ash Grove
 555     Now thank we all our God, Nun Danket Alle Gott
 556     The world abounds with God's free grace, Halifax
 558     Come, sing a song of harvest, Christus, Der Ist Mein Leben
 559     We gather together, Kremser
 560     We plow the fields, and scatter, Nyland
 561     My country, 'tis of thee, America
 562     Eternal Father, strong to save, Melita
 563     Lift every voice and sing, J. Rosamond Johnson
 564     O beautiful for spacious skies, Materna

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