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TUNE LIST - starting with V Click on the tune name to see all songs and music files for that selected tune |
Tune/Song Title | Tune/Song Title | Tune/Song Title |
Valet Will Ich Dir Geben, Farewell I gladly bid thee Valet will ich dir geben, Blest be the King whose Valete, O Jesus, full of truth and grace Valor, Weary of earth and laden with my sin Valour (Mann), From the eastern mountains Var Jag Gar, Wheresoe'er I roam Varina, I sing the mighty power of God Various, Canticles - 1982-Hymnal-USA Various, Organ free recording sites Vater Unseer, Our Father, Thou in heav'n above Vater Unser (Old 112), O God of our forefathers, Ven, Amigo, They see, Friend, Jesus Venantius, Seek, O seek the Lord, while He is near © Venetia, And am I only born to die? Veni Cito, Lo, God is here, let us Adore Veni Creator, Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire Veni Creator (Tallis), Come, Holy Ghost, our souls Veni Emmanuel, O come, O come, Emmanuel Veni Sancte Spiritus, Come, Thou Holy Spirit, come Veni, Domine, Come, Lord, to our souls come down Venice, Lord God, the Spirit blest |
Venice, How beauteous are their feet Venid Pastorcitos, Shepherds, come to Bethlehem Venite Adoremus, The snow lay on the ground Verbum Pacis, With the sweet word of peace Vergonzosa Cruz, In the Shameful Cross Verleih Uns Frieden, Grant peace, we pray Vermont, Almighty Father, who dost give Vermont, Give peace, O God, the nations cry © Vermont, My singing is a prayer © Vesper (Stainer), God of pity, God of grace Vesper Hymn, Saviour, breathe an evening blessing Vetter, Come, Holy Ghost, with God the Son Vexilla Regis Nova, The royal banners forward go © Vexilla Regis Prodeunt, The flaming banners of our Vicar, Hope of the world © Victory, The strife is o'er, the battle done Victory, Hark, how the watchmen cry Victory (Alleluia's), The strife is o'er, Victory Chant, Hail, Jesus, You're my King © Vienna, Captain of the saintly band ![]() Vienna, Now may He, who from the dead |
Vigil (Haf Trones Lampa Fardig), Rejoice, rejoice, Vigil (Thalben-Ball), Soldier, go! Thy vow is spoken Vigilate, Christian, Seek Not Yet Repose Ville du Havre, When peace, like a river, attendeth Vineyard Haven, The Son of God proclaim © Vision, Hark the sound of holy voices Vision, Open my eyes © Vision (Davies), All who worship God in Jesus Vision (Mayor), Speak in the stillness, God we pray © Vison, The ends of all the earth shall hear Voller Wunder, Blessed are the sons of God Vom Himmel Hoch, From heaven above to earth I come Vom Himmel Hoch (arr Bach), Give heed, my heart, Vom Himmel Kam Der Engel Schar, From east to west, Vom Himmel Kam Der Engel Schar, When Christ's Vox Dilecti, I heard the voice of Jesus say Vox Dilecti, For ages women hoped and prayed Vruechten (Easter-Tide), This joyful Eastertide Vulpius, Long hast thou wept and sorrowed Vulpius (Gelobt Sei Gott), The strife is o'er, |