small church music

Listing of PDF files, starting with "L"

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Alphabetical list of PDF files.
Lamb of God, I look to Thee, Gentle Jesus (Shaw)
Lamb of God, pure and, O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig
Lamb of God, Thou now art seated, In Memoriam
Lamb of God, whose dying love, Atonement
Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace, Nox Praecessit
Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace our path, Epworth
Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace our, Graefenberg
Last night, in the morning, English melody
Latvian Lutheran #105, J.A. Freylinghausen
Latvian Lutheran #119, A. Skulte
Latvian Lutheran #12, N. Herman
Latvian Lutheran #218 , Hamburg
Latvian Lutheran #267, V. Bastiks
Latvian Lutheran #426, J. Vitols
Lead, kindly Light, Lux Benigna
Lead, kindly Light, Sandon
Lead me gently home, Father, Will L. Thompson
Lead me, Lord, Samuel S. Wesley
Lead my spirit and my heart, O my, H. Wetterling
Lead on, O King eternal, Lancashire
Lead Thou me on, Willingham
Lead us, Heavenly Father, Josiah Booth
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us, Dulce Carmen
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us, Feniton Court
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us, Mannheim
Lead us, O Father, Ellers
Lead us, O Father, in the paths of peace, Song 22
Lead Your little sheep, O Lord, J.R. Sweney
Leader of faithful souls, and Guide, Mount Beacon
Leave God to order all thy ways, Bremen
Let all mortal flesh keep silence, Picardy
Let all that is within me, Anon.
Let all the world in every corner sing, Dallas
Let all the world in every corner sing, High Road
Let all the world in ev'ry, Undique Gloria
Let all the world in ev'ry, Universal Praise
Let all things now living, Ash Grove
Let earth and heaven agree, Millennium
Let every lamp be burning bright, Diligence
Let Him to Whom we now belong, Jackson
Let me be Thine forever, Lob Gott Getrost Mit Singen
Let me taste your love, A. Randrianantenaina R.
Let our gladness have no end, Narodil Se Kristus Pan
Let saints on earth in concert sing, Dundee
Let the children come to Me!, H.O.C. Zinck
Let the earth now praise the Lord, Nun Komm
Let the song go round the earth, Heaven (Selby)
Let the song go round the earth, Moel Llys
Let there be light, Concord
Let thine example, holy John,, Herr, Deinen Zorn
Let Thy Blood in mercy poured, Luise
Let us all with gladsome voice, Lasst Uns Alle
Let us behold the Lamb, H.O.C. Zinck
Let us bow down together, Bryn-Teg
Let us break bread together, Spiritual
Let us ever walk with, Lasset Uns Mit Jesu Ziehen
Let us join - 'tis God command, Love Feast
Let us now contemplate Your face, J. Cruger
Let us now our voices raise, Gaudeamus Pariter
Let us now our voices raise, Good King Wenceslas
Let us sing a song that will cheer us, E.E. Hewitt
Let us sing songs of praise, Methfessel
Let us sing to the God of our, Sing Hosanna
Let us talents and tongues, Jamaican folk tune
Let us thank the creator, Old 19th century
Let us thank the creator, Union Harmonist
Let us thank the Lord Creator, J. Kugelmann
Let us thank the Lord Creator, L.M. Lindeman
Let us with a gladsome mind, Ever Faithful
Let us with a gladsome mind, Monkland
Let us with a gladsome mind, Temple Chant
Let Us with Rejoicing, Russian Composer
Let's praise, The Road and the Miles to Dundee
Life at the best is very, William J. Kirkpatrick
Life for the body, Unknown Composer
Life is like a mountain railroad, Charles D. Tillman
Life is the limit, O! Lord and King, American song
Life of ages, richly poured, Brandenburg
Life of ages, richly poured, Culbach
Lift every voice and sing, J. Johnston
Lift Him up, 'tis He that bids you, D.S. Hakes
Lift up, lift up your voices now, Waltham
Lift up our eyes, J. Rakotonirainy
Lift up the trumpet, George E. Lee
Lift up your heads, pilgrims aweary, M.J. Camp
Lift up your heads, ye gates, Praetorius (Fur Dein)
Lift up your heads, ye mighty, Macht Hoch Die Tur
Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates!, Milwaukee
Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates, Truro
Lift up your hearts to things above, Chimes
Lift up your hearts! We lift them, Lord,, Birmingham
Lift up your hearts, we lift them Lord, to, Magda
Light of light, enlighten me, Luneburg
Light of the world, faint were our weary, Barton
Light of the world, for ever, ever shining, Berwyn
Light of the world, Thy beams I bless, Hull
Light of those whose dreary dwelling, Saltash
Light one candle to watch for, Yiddish folk tune
Light up this house with glory, Lord, Emmanuel
Lighten the darkness of our life's, Erfyniad
Light's abode, celestial Salem, Ad Perennis
Light's glittering morn, Lasst Uns Erfreuen
Like a bird on the deep, far, William J. Kirkpatrick
Like a river glorious, is God's, Wye Valley
Like as a father, pities his child, F.E. Beldon
Like Caleb and Joshua stand, Franklin Edson Belden
Like the sun which appears, O. Ahnfelt
Like wand'ring sheep o'er, J. McGranahan
Listen, listen, God is calling, Tanzanian tune
Listen, O my wandering children, I.D. Sankey
Listen, o people!, Bokin-kiran'ny Martiora
Listen the call of the Lord, J. Rajaonah
Listen the voice of Jesu, G.C. Stebbins
Listen to my prayer, Lord, Exaudi Deus
Listen to the shouts of praises, Lux Eoi
Listening Your words is delightful,, P. Nilsen-Lund
Little Is Much If God Is In It, K. Suffield
Little Jesus, sweetly sleep, Rocking
Living for Jesus a life that is true, Lowden
Living for Jesus Dying with Him, Russian Composer
Living for Jesus, O what peace, Charles F. Weigle
Lo! God is here! let us adore, Old 117th
Lo, God is here, let us Adore, Veni Cito
Lo! He comes, with clouds descending, Helmsley
Lo! He comes, with clouds descending, Regent Square
Lo! He comes, with clouds descending, St. Thomas
Lo, how a Rose e'er blooming, Es ist ein `ros
Lo, round the throne, a glorious, Erschienen Ist
Lo! what a cloud of witnesses, St. Fulbert
Lo, what a glorious sight appears, New Jerusalem
Long did I toil, and knew no earthly rest, Battle
Long hast thou wept and sorrowed, Vulpius
Look at Golgotha, S. Rabary
Look at our Lord, H. Smart
Look at the birds, J.W. Van deVenter
Look for the waymarks as you journey on, F.E. Belden
Look into my heart, A. Harder
Look kindly Lord on this your child, Londonderry Air
Look to Jesus on the tree, Alice E Sumner
Look to the lamb of God, James M. Black
Look upon Jesus, sinless is He, F.E. Belden
Look with kindness, Lord Jesus, N. Nyberg
Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious, Coronae
Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious, Triumph
Looking upward every day, Excelsior
Lord and Kind Jesu, I can't, W.B. Bradbury
Lord, as of old at Pentecost, Old-Time Power
Lord, as to Thy dear cross we, Green Hill (Peace)
Lord Be with Us We Need Thee, E. Gebhardt
Lord, behold us with Thy blessing, Tonbridge School
Lord, bid your servant go in peace, Land of Rest
Lord, bless and pity us, St. George Gauntlett
Lord Christ, true peace of all, Westminster New
Lord Christ, when first Thou cam'st, Elberfeld
Lord Christ, when first thou, Mit Freuden Zart
Lord Christ, who on thy heart didst bear, Eton
Lord Creator and Father, F. Vogel
Lord Creator! Be at our meeting, W.R. Wagner
Lord Creator doesn't want to, L.M. Lindeman
Lord Creator doesn't want to, M.B. Landstad
Lord Creator, mighty Father, Union
Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing, Dismissal
Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing, Eton College
Lord, dismiss us with Thy, Sicilian Mariners
Lord, enthroned in heavenly, Bryn Calfaria
Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour, St. Helen
Lord, from Whom all blessings flow, Maidstone
Lord, from Whom all blessings flow, Tichfield
Lord full of love, J. McGranahan
Lord full of mercy, J. Andrianntsiferanarivo
Lord, give me quiet rest, Arwelfa
Lord God almighty, in Thy hand, Es Ist Kein Tag
Lord God of Hosts, within whose hand, Falkland
Lord God the Holy Ghost, Bowden
Lord God, the Holy Ghost, Tytherton
Lord God, the Spirit blest, Venice
Lord God, to you our hearts we raise, Agincourt
Lord God, you now have set Your servant free, Song 1
Lord, grant us, like the watching five, Lothian
Lord, help Your disciples, J. Blanquist
Lord, her watch Thy Church is keeping, Everton
Lord, here I take my cross, Antonin Dvorak
Lord, I care not for riches, F.M. Davis
Lord, I despair myself to heal, Rosedale
Lord, I hear of showers of blessing, Even Me
Lord, I hear of showers of blessing, W.B. Bradbury
Lord, I want to be a Christian, American Folk Melody
Lord, I was blind!, A babe is born
Lord, I was blind, I could not see, Saxby
Lord, I would own thy tender care, Eardisley
Lord, in the fullness of my might, Skelmorlie
Lord, in the fulness of my, St. Leonard (Smart)
Lord, in the strength of, St. Michael (Old 134th)
Lord, in this Thy mercy's day, Holy Ghost
Lord, in Thy name Thy servants plead, Lincoln
Lord, in thy presence dread and, Advent (Plymouth)
Lord, it belongs not to my care, Cheshire
Lord, it belongs not to my care, Dibdin
Lord, it belongs not to my care, St. Hugh
Lord, it is eventide, Christ's own peace
Lord! it is good for us to be, Stanley
Lord Jesu, allow the little Ones, J. Raminosoa
Lord Jesu Christ, our, In Einen Kripplein Lag Ein
Lord Jesu has gone, Phillip Phillipis Hallowed Song
Lord Jesu, our Saviour, L. Mason
Lord Jesu, who at Lazarus' tomb, Song 18
Lord Jesus, Herr Jesu Christ, Dich Zu Uns Wend
Lord Jesus Christ, life-giving, Herr, Wie Du Willst
Lord Jesus Christ, our hearts feels sweet, Unknown
Lord Jesus Christ, the cause is, Die Sach Ist Dein
Lord Jesus Christ, Thou art my hope, V. Babst
Lord Jesus, Herr Jesu Christ, Dich Zu Uns Wend
Lord Jesus Christ, with us abide, Ach Bleib Bei Uns
Lord Jesus Christ,, Du Lebensbrot, Herr Jesu Christ
Lord Jesus, from Thy throne above, Worship
Lord Jesus, I long in Thy, Jonathan E. Spilman
Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole, Fischer
Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole, Rutstrom
Lord Jesus I love You, Unknown
Lord Jesus, in the days of old, Companion
Lord Jesus, think on me, Southwell (Damon)
Lord Jesus, think on me, St. Bride
Lord Jesus, think on me, St. Paul's
Lord Jesus, Thou the Church's Head, Reuter
Lord Jesus, we give thanks to, Das Walt Gott Vater
Lord Jesus, Your blood, G. Rhau
Lord, keep us safe this night, Combe Martin
Lord, keep us steadfast in thy, Erhalt Uns, Herr
Lord, lay some soul upon my heart, Ira
Lord, make us more holy, African-American Spiritual
Lord, may Thy blood now cleanse me,
Lord of all being, throned afar, Louvan
Lord of all being, throned afar, Maryton
Lord of all being, throned afar, Mendon
Lord of all hopefulness, Slane
Lord of all majesty and might, David`s Harp
Lord of all nations, grant me grace, Melrose
Lord of Creation, bow thine ear, Annue Christe
Lord of creation, to Thee be all praise, Slane
Lord of heaven and earth, Blodwen
Lord of life, and King of glory, Calvary
Lord of light, Your name outshining, Rustington
Lord of our life, and God of our, Cloisters
Lord of the harvest, hear, Avon
Lord of the home, your only Son, Philippine
Lord of the living harvest, Lymington
Lord, our Lord, Thy glorious Name, Thanksgiving
Lord, Send Thy Blessing, Windsor
Lord, speak to me that I may speak, Canonbury
Lord, speak to me, that I may speak, Llef
Lord take my hand and lead, So Nimm Denn Meine Hande
Lord, teach us how to pray aright, First Mode Melody
Lord, Thee I love with all my heart, Herzlich Lieb
Lord, Thou has won, at length I yield, Unknown
Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling-place, Dettington
Lord, thou hast searched me, Tender Thought
Lord, Thy blessing send us, Segne Und Behute
Lord, Thy kindom bring triumphant, Stuttgart
Lord, Thy love has sought and found us, Anonymous
Lord, Thy ransomed Church is waking, Contemplation
Lord Thy Word abideth, Ravenshaw
Lord, to You I make, Herr, Ich Habe Missgehandelt
Lord, to You my soul is lifted, Genevan 25
Lord, we believe to us and ours, Winchester New
Lord, we go back home, J.P.E. Hartmann
Lord, we have come at You own, O Quanta Qualia
Lord, when we bend before Thy throne, Burford
Lord, when we bend before thy throne, Hunnys
Lord, who didst send, by two and two, Lombard Street
Lord, who throughout these forty days, St. Flavian
Lord, whose love in humble service, Beach Spring
Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise, Ripley
Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise, St. Chad
Lord, You have been, Lobt Gott In Seinem Heiligtum
Lord, you have been our dwelling-place, Luther
Lord, you have given yourself for our, Crudwell
Lord, you have given yourself for our, Springfield
Lord, you have searched and known my ways, Winscott
Lord, you sometimes speak in wonders, Cleveland
Lord Your word abiding, Ravenshaw
Love came down at Christmas, Gartan
Love came down at Christmas, Yuletide
Love divine, all loves excelling, Beecher
Love divine, all loves excelling, Bethany (Smart)
Love divine, all loves excelling, Blaenwern
Love divine, all loves excelling, Hyfrydol
Love divine, all loves, Love Divine (LeJeune)
Love divine, all loves, Love Divine (Stainer)
Love Divine, all loves excelling, Moriah
Love divine, so great and wondrous, E. Ahlwen
Love for all - and can it be?, Horton
Love is a life-giving water, H.S. Thompson
Love is the key of life and death, Lovest Thou Me
Love is Your name, dear God, Eisenach
Love of love, and Light of light, Ratisbon
Love one another, Ch. Rasoanaivo
Love will be our Lenten calling, Picardy
Loved with everlasting love, Everlasting Love
Loved with everlasting love, Loughborough College
Loved with everlasting love, Mueller
Love's redeeming work is done, Savannah
Low in the grave He lay, Jesus my, Christ Arose
Lully, lullay, thou little tiny, Coventry Carol